Monday, August 4, 2008

Oklahoma Trip

A 4 hour trip with a baby...piece of cake! (If you have a sweet Mimi in the car!) We had such a great time with my Gramma and Aunt (Teri the Tiger as Grae calls her). We shopped until our feet were numb and loved every minute of it! Everytime I make a trip to Oklahoma I am reminded of such sweet memories from my childhood. Even the way my Gramma's house smells reminds me of something. I walked thru the front door and I am immediately 5 years old again standing on the stool in kitchen helping her cook or drawing on my Grandpa's arm with a pen that left ink for weeks. (My poor gramma) That had to have been my Grandpa's favorite thing in the world. The same reason why he loved for me to draw on his arm and also why it took him at least 20 minutes to drive me to school some mornings when it was only a 5 minute trip. He loved every minute we spent with him. He was NEVER too busy and always made me feel like I was the most important person in the world when I was with him. I am always asking my gramma questions about their life together even before I was born to make sure I have plenty of memories to hang on to one day. We are so blessed to have been able to name our sweet Will after my Grandpa. William Jack. What a great man and a beautiful legacy he left.

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