Wednesday, September 21, 2011

I thank my God every time I think of you

For the past couple of years I have used the "Power of a Praying Wife" calendar to help me cover Landon with prayer each day. When I first started praying for him I prayed just the general prayer of, please bless our marriage and the basics. As my prayer time became more intimate I got more specific as I know that God asks us to come to him boldly with our requests. I know that He wants only what is best for us and especially for our marriage. Why would God compare how we should love our spouses to how Christ loved the church if He didn't think this was a BIG deal! :) As I started to pray more specifically for Landon I began to see him in a different light. I have always loved and appreciated the sweet qualities that make him...Him but its different now. Some of things that I saw as weakness I am now seeing as great strengths. I think that God has done more work on my heart through praying for Landon than anything else. I know that the better I can learn to love my sweet Jesus the better I will be able to love Landon.
I want to be able to look back 10, 20, 30 years from now and know that I took pride in protecting my marriage and did all that I could to bring Glory to God by what my marriage reflected. How thankful I am for Landon and all his many God given qualities.

Phil 1:3
I thank my God every time I think of you.

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