Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Christmas with our Mia and John!

We had such a wonderful time with Landon's parents Christmas day. After opening the boys gifts and stockings from Santa we headed down the road to spend the day with Mia and John and Holli, KC and Tatum(Landon's sister and husband and our precious Niece). We were pleasently surprised when Gank pulled up the same time we did! After the kids played the Wii for a little while we opened presents. We only gave gifts to the kids and we had them open each present one at a time. I loved watching Grae as Tatum opened her presents and he would oooh and awww and tell her how pretty everything was. Will didn't care too much about opening anything but loved everything once unwrapped! He got so many wonderful things and has played with all of them since we got home. While Grae liked everything he opened over the past couple of days he was really hoping for a certain present. If ANYONE asked him what he wanted for Christmas he would always always say the same thing. "I want a blue power wranger suit and helmet and a mote control truck" He would also make sure to use his hands as he talked and motion around his head and body and he said helmet and suit. So funny. He knew just what he wanted! So...when he opened the power ranger suit and helmet he about went crazy. Then...when he unwrapped the Hulk hands and Hulk face...he was completely overwhelmed! It just doesn't get much better than Power Rangers and the Hulk!! (I do this boy thing so much better than I thought I would! I love it!) Thank you Mia and John for such a special time. The kids loved it and you did so much. We love you!



Landon and Grae were playing Pirates and I caught this lovely shot. I laugh everytime I look at it. They had a great time!


Monday, December 29, 2008

Webb Family Christmas

I am going to write about 2 very special Webb Christmas's we do each year. The first is with the entire Webb Family...which includes the famous Ganky (Landon's Grandma). All of the grandkids and great grandkids adore her. She is 81 going on 50. She still gets in the floor and plays with all of the kids and as you can see in the pictures she has no shame in beating up on any of them! She made an excellent Hulk. Grae had such a good time playing good guy/bad guy with her shile wearing his power ranger suit. She has carved out her own special place in his heart. Our sweet uncle Danny was Santa this year and had all of the dirt on all the grandkids. It is always so funny to see the pure shock on their faces when Santa list the "not so good" items on the list. For example, Santa told Grae that he made the good list this year but that he really needed to stop dropping trough in the middle of God's creation to use the bathroom. While it is appropriate to pop a squat while hunting with Daddy it is not so appropriate to drop our pants in the church parking lot. Grae looked at me and his daddy and said, "I can't go potty outside?" He really didn't see what the big deal was? We were of course laughing histerically. Then Santa gave each child a few presents and left on his four wheeler into the night. We had such a good time!


Thursday, December 25, 2008

First Christmas with both of our boys!

We had our first Christmas morning with both of our boys. It was so fun! Although Will could have cared less about the toys and would have been happy with a bunch of empty boxes to crawl in and out of. Grae was really excited about his new mote trol truck. (Remote Control Truck) He knew Santa wouldn't forget about it. We made hot chocolate and played with everything. I will soon be posting a picture of both Landon and Grae in their pirate gear. Pretty awesome. Looking forward to many more crazy Christmas's with our boys!!

Will looking very overwhelmed!

Grae checking his new toy out!

A sneak peak at the stockings Santa left

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Coufal Christmas Eve

We had several Christmas events and loved them all! Our first Christmas was at my parents house (mimi and papaw). We have celebrated on Christmas Eve every year since I was born. I am so blessed to still be able to do that even after getting married. Now with our 2 boys my mom and dad have 7 grandchildren. It makes for a very exciting evening! This year we decided to only do gifts for the kids and came up with a fun game for the adults. So, when it came time for the kids to unwrap their goodies they gathered around in a circle as we piled presents around them. That is probably the most fun part! Watching their faces light up and seeing the anticipation of what is to come is so sweet. Once all the presents had been passed out my brother told all of the kids that this year they were going to take turns opening one present at a time around in a circle. The ages of the kids range from 3yrs to 11 yrs old (not including Will) so I was wondering how that was going to work out. The fun began and Grae was last to open his very first present. You know...we all have those proud moments as mom's when our children make a really good choice or when they do something so precious without you even saying a word? Well, this was one of those moments. Grae waited patiently...never whining or asking when it was his turn. He was genuinely excited to see his cousins open their presents. I was so proud of him. Such a sweet boy. After the kids opened their presents we went for a hay ride around Pecan with hot apple cider to look at Christmas lights. (Thanks Josh for the hay!!) We were pretty cold and after we sang all the Christmas songs we could think of we rushed back to the house. (Yes, I realize this is a tad cheesy but this is what we do...AND I love it!!) Once we got back to the house we sat the kids down in front of Kung Fu Panda and had a little bit of adult time. We all brought a jar full of something fun. We each had the total count in an envelope taped to the bottom of each jar. We all made our guesses and then revealed the winners. We were then each able to pick a jar to take home and enjoy! Although I was pulling for the jar my sis brought full of stuff to make Smores...I ended up with a really sweet jar that my dad brought that had the word Hope on the front of it full of chocolate! We had a great time. Such wonderful memories!


Friday, December 19, 2008

Polar Express Train Ride!

Will in his matching pirate pj's

Getting his ticket punched

Grae and the Conductor

We bought tickets a month in advance and couldn't wait for the Polar Express Train Ride in Grapevine, Texas. Grae was especially excited to get to ride the big train...his own words were...Is it bigger than the train at the bounce house place? He was pleasantly surprised! We got there a little too early so we had to entertain a little to pass time but we finally got on the train. While Grae thought it was a lot of fun...Landon and I were not that impressed. BUT...all that really mattered was that Grae loved it! Although we did get a few good laughs as the "lady train monitor" yelled over the speaker thru out the ENTIRE train ride..."Get out of the aisle, Everybody better start singing, and our personal favorite..."Those of you talking during the story reading are ruining it for everyone!!" (You have to also imagine those comments being said in an old raspy voice.) Not sure how she got that job but apparently the Train Depot was short in applications for that job. All that to say, it was a good memory for Grae and Will and we got some really adorable pictures!
